I'm a Ph.D. research scholar in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi under the supervision of Dr. Ojaswa Sharma .
Current Interests: Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Image Processing, and GPU Computing
My research focuses on computer graphics and computer vision techniques to generate animation and dynamic deformation. I'm enthusiastic about designing creative computer graphics algorithms and workflows for computer animation.
gauravr [at] iiitd.ac.in
grg.gauravr [at] gmail.com
LAB A513, R&D Block, IIIT-Delhi, Delhi, 110020
PhD in CSE, 2020-Present
IIIT Delhi, India
B.Tech in CSE, 2016-2020
GKV, Haridwar, India
SketchAnim: Real-time sketch animation transfer from videos
23RD ACM SIGGRAPH / EUROGRAPHICS Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA 2024).
Published in Computer Graphics Forum.
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